Ma. Cristina Severino : A Tutor from Philippines

List of Tutors

Tutor's First Name : Ma. Cristina

Last Name : Severino

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Street Address : 454 Gov. Criscini St., San Francisco

City : Iriga City

State/Prov : Camarines Sur

Zip/Postal Code : 4431

Country : Philippines

Home Phone : +639206010786

Business Phone : +639206010786

Fax :

Skype ID : vainchoy

Fees per Hour USD $ : 4-5

Other Message, if any. : Hi! I'm Cristina. I am a teacher of my own learning center. I can teach Phonics to beginners of the language up to higher level of grammar and syntax. I am accepting tutorials to English speakers who want to learn Filipino language. I am available at Philippine time : 5pm - 10pm or US Time: 3am - 8am : Monday - Sunday. Interested parties may contact me through phone +639206010786 or email.

List of Tutors

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