Correct Usages

Let us see what the
Correct Usages are.

I came across these sentences in emails I received recently.

1. I look forward to hear from you soon.

2. If anyone is interesting in doing a work shop or presentation, please contact our Events Coordinator.

3. I am awaiting for my classmate.

All the three sentences are incorrect.

Each sentence has either incorrect grammatical construction or inappropriate word.

The meaning of the expression
to look forward to is to wait for or anticipate something pleasant.

The first sentence
I look forward to hear from you should be rewritten as I look forward to hearing from you in order to make it correct.


Let us see what the Correct Usages are.

look forward to something and not look forward to do something. The phrase look forward to is followed by a noun phrase or a verb phrase with an -ing pattern.

Look at these examples:

• I am looking forward to your birthday party next week.

• We all look forward to meeting you.

• I look forward to presenting a paper at the international conference.

In the next sentence, the word
interesting should be replaced by interested in order to bring out the intended meaning.

The word
interested is an adjective and it says how someone feels whereas the word interesting which is also an adjective describes the people or things that cause the feelings.

Here are a few examples:

• I was very interested in meeting him.

• My son is interested in mathematics whereas my daughter is interested in English.

• My research supervisor is an interesting person. We all like him very much.

• He is interested in American literature.

• Have you read the novel Love Story? It is a very interesting book.

The third sentence is also incorrect. It can be rewritten as
I am waiting for my classmate in order to make it grammatically acceptable.

Speakers often mention what or who they have been waiting for as in the examples below:

• Who are you waiting for?

• I am waiting for my girlfriend.

The word
await means wait for. It is not followed by the preposition for. It takes an inanimate object as in the example I am awaiting your email. The object of await is not a person. So it is incorrect to say : Peter is awaiting me.

The word
await is a formal term and is used in letters, emails and poetry.

• I am awaiting your reply.

• She is very happily awaiting death.

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