Correct Spelling of Words

English Vocabulary Index

Correct Spelling of Words for 7th December :

  1. Unilateral (adj.) : relating to one side only

  2. Unimpeachable (adj.) : faultless, pure

  3. Unimportant (adj.) : dull, not having importance

  4. Uninterruptedly (adv.) : without interruption, continuously

  5. Uninvited (adj.) : not invited, not wanted

  6. Unique (adj.) : unparalleled, unequalled, singular

  7. Unison (n) : agreement, harmony

  8. Unit (n) : one a group taken as a whole, standard

  9. Unit (adj.) : unitary

  10. Unite (v) : join together, make one, connect

  11. Unity (n) : oneness, concord or agreement

  12. Universe (n) : the world all created things, the whole creation

  13. University (n) : institution giving instructions and holding examinations in important subjects in arts and sciences

  14. Unjust (adj.) : not just, dishonest

  15. Unkempt (adj.) : (of hair) not dresses or not combed properly

  16. Unkindly (adj.) : not kind

  17. Unknown (adj.) : not known

  18. Unlawful (adj.) : not permitted by law, illegal, illegitimate

  19. Unless (conj.) : if not, except, when

  20. Unlettered (adj.) : illiterate, unlearned, ignorant

  21. Unlike (adj.) : having no resemblance, not like

  22. Unlimited (adj.) : not bounded, boundless

  23. Unload (v) : take off load from

  24. Unlock (v) : open, unfasten

  25. Unlucky (adj.) : unfortunate, ill-omened

  26. Unmake (v) : destroy

  27. Unmanly (adj.) : not manly, cowardly

  28. Unmindful (adj.) : regardless

  29. Unnatural (adj.) : contrary to nature, artificial

  30. Unnecessary (adj.) : needless

  31. Unopposed (adj.) : not opposed, un resisted

  32. Unostentatious (adj.) : not making a show, modest

  33. Unpack (v) : open, take out from a packet

  34. Unpaid (adj.) : not paid for

  35. Unparalleled (adj.) : without an equal, with nothing similar, matchless

Correct Spelling of Words for 7th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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