Congratulation Letter

Mr. Maraca won the election held to elect a member to the Legislature Assembly of his country. His friend, Mr. Manic who is USA, is writing a letter congratulating Mr. Maraca on Success in the election.

31/K-67: Groupware Lane,
Third cross,
New York.

3rd Oct. 2000.

Dear Mr. Maraca,

Allow me to congratulate you on your sweeping success with a full lead on your next rival in the recent elections in your state. As a member of the Legislature Assembly of your country, you will be able to represent the pressing problems of your people at your Legislature Assembly.

Your constituency has been ignored by your government and its development suffered. Last time when I was there when I came to your country to meet you, the state of the roads, the water problem with long queues of people, the poverty and illiteracy were appalling. I did not see a good school or a college. Now, you will be able to demand these things with a strong voice and repay the debt you owe to the people.

I know that you are interested in the welfare of the people. You have got a very good opportunity to serve the people in a proper manner. Do your best. And prove to the whole world that you are fit to become the leader of your nation.

With all the best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of Manic


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