Commonly Misspelled Words

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Here is the list of Commonly Misspelled Words. In order to help you understand the differenced among those words, we have provided the list with the complete collection of such words. Pay close attention to the spelling of these words when you come across them in news papers and articles. You should become familiar with all these words by using them in the sentences which you write day after day. This is the best practice for us to spell these words correct. Failing which, we will go misspelled. Over the period of time, spelling these words correctly will become our second nature.


THERE are THEIR are quite frequently misspelled words.

QUITE and QUIET are other words which are misspelled.

Since the words are more in number, we have arranged them in alphabetical order.

Here is the list of Frequently Misspelled Words beginning with S.

  1. Sacrifice

  2. Sacrilegious

  3. Safety

  4. Salary

  5. Sandal

  6. Sandwich

  7. Savvy

  8. Schedule

  9. Scissors

  10. Secretary

  11. Seize

  12. Sense

  13. Sensible

  14. Separate

  15. Separation

  16. Septuagenarian

  17. Sergeant

  18. Severely

  19. Shepherd

  20. Sheriff

  21. Shining

  22. Shish Kebab

  23. Siege

  24. Similar

  25. Simile

  26. Sincerely

  27. Soldier

  28. Sophomore

  29. Sorcerer

  30. Specifically

  31. Specimen

  32. Speech

  33. Statue

  34. Stopping

  35. Strength

  36. Studying

  37. Subpoena

  38. Subtly

  39. Succeed

  40. Successful

  41. Succession

  42. Supersede

  43. Surely

  44. Surprise

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