Common English Words with Meanings

English Vocabulary Index

Common English Words with Meanings on 2nd April :

  1. Electorate (n) : a body of electors or voters

  2. Electricity (n) : a kind of natural energy

  3. Electrocute (v) : to kill by an electric current

  4. Electron (n) : an electrically charged article existing within the atom

  5. Elegance (n) : beauty of bearing, grace, refinement

  6. Elegy (n) : a song about sad things or funeral song

  7. Element (n) : the simplest particle of a substance, ingredient

  8. Elementary (adj.) : primary, introductory

  9. Elephant (n) : the largest animal with long proboscis and tusks

  10. Elephantiasis (n) : a kind of skin disease

  11. Elevate (v) : raise, exalt, to make cheerful

  12. Elevation (n) : act of raising up

  13. Elevator (n) : lift

  14. Eleven (n) : ten plus one

  15. Eleventh (adj.) : ordinal number of II, last minute, eleventh hour

  16. Elf (n) : a small being, a mischievous fairy

  17. Elicit (v) : draw out, bring out

  18. Eligible (adj.) : suitable, desirable

  19. Eliminate (v) : expel, cast out remove Elision (n) : suppression of vowel or syllable in pronouncing Elite (n) : the best part of society, the best among the people

  20. Elixir (n) : any refreshing drink

  21. Elk (n) : large animal of the deer kind

  22. Ell (n) : a measure of length

  23. Ellipse (n) : regular oval shape

  24. Elm (n) : a kind of tree

  25. Elocution (n) : the art of speech, recitation in public

  26. Elongate (v) : lengthen, prolong

  27. Elope (v) : to run away with lover from home

  28. Eloquence (n) : the art of fluent use of language

  29. Else (adj. & adv) : in addition, instead, other than, be sides

  30. Elsewhere (adv) : in some other place

  31. Elucidate (v) : make clear, explain, throw light on

  32. Elude (v) : escape, Avoid

  33. Elusion (n) : escaping

  34. Elver (n) : young of an eel

  35. Elysium (n) : heaven, paradise

  36. Emaciate (v) : make lean, to waste, to lose flesh

  37. Emanate (v) : issue, proceed originate

  38. Emancipate (v) : set free from bondage, release

  39. Embalm (v) : preserve dead body from decay

Common English Words with Meanings on 2nd April :

English Vocabulary Index

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