Collective Terms for Animals
This section is a pretty comprehensive list of Collective Terms for Animals. Many will be familiar but others will be unheard of, deriving from 15th century witticisms or literary imagination, and some are simply archaic or erroneous. There are also some terms for pairs of animals and groups of three animals.
The list has been arranged alphabetically.
Here is the list of Collective Terms for Groups of Animals beginning with M.
animal | group or collective term | notes | | mackerel | shoal | | | magpies | congregation | | tiding | | tittering | | | mallard | flush | | puddling | | sord | | sute or suit | | | mares | stud | | | martens | richesse or richness | | | mice | nest | | trip | | | minnows | shoal | | stream | possibly invented | | moles | company | | labour | | | monkeys | cartload | | tribe | | troop | | wilderness | possibly fanciful | | moorhen | plump | | | moose | herd | | | mosquitoes | scourge | | | mudhens | fleet | | | mules | barren | | pack | | rake | | span | | | mussels | bed | strictly, a place where they grow together | | |