Collective Noun
Grammar Index : 2
A collective noun is the name given to a collection or group of persons or things taken as a single group or entity.
Examples : - A herd of cows is crossing the road.
Herd means a group of cattle.
In this sentence, the word herd is a collective noun.
- A fleet of ships is sailing deep along the western coast.
Fleet means a group of ships.
In this sentence, the word fleet is a collective noun.
- Army is called to rescue the boy caught in the flood.
Army means a group of soldiers.
In this sentence, the word army is a collective noun.
- I presented a bouquet.
Bouquet means a group of flowers.
In this sentence, the word bouquet is a collective noun.
- Fox ate a bunch of fruits.
Bunch means a group of fruits.
In this sentence, the word bunch is a collective noun.
- The Indian army was the biggest one.
Army means a group of soldiers.
In this sentence, the word army is a collective noun.
- The police dispersed the crowd.
Police means a group of guards.
In this sentence, the word police is a collective noun.
- The family arrived.
Family means a group of individuals.
In this sentence, the word family is a collective noun.
- Australian team is very strong.
Team means a group of players.
In this sentence, the word army is a collective noun.
- Troop of soldiers is marching.
Troop means a group of soldiers.
In this sentence, the word Troop is a collective noun. Few other collective nouns are :Family Crowd Mob Army Troop Multitude Committee Class Panel Band Choir Panchayat Taluk State Country Region Herd Hive Team Kennel Continent Flock Legion Litter Swarm Pack Shoal String Stud Gang Galaxy Garland Grove Heap Wreath Bunch Government Bundle Bouquet Fleet Police Jury Organisation Comity From Collective Noun to HOME PAGE