Civics VocabularyCivics Vocabulary to Previous Page
Civics Vocabulary :
As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means
1. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons
2. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined
3. The words of a language
We have collected almost all the words related to Civics and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU.
Here is The Complete List.
- Act of Settlement
- Act of Union
- Ad Valorem
- Agrarian Revolution
- Aggression
- Alliance
- Appeal
- Appropriation Bill
- Armed Neutrality
- Autonomy
- Balance Of Trade
- Balance Of Power
- Ballot
- Benevolent Despotism
- Bill Of Rights
- Blockade (Naval)
- Buffer-State
- Bull (Papal)
- Bullion
- Bureaucracy
- By Law
- Bye Laws
- Candidate
- Casting Vote
- Census
- Centralised Monarchy
- Chamber Of Commerce
- Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Charter of Liberties
- Chronology
- Circumnavigation
- Citizen
- Citizenship
- City Fathers
- Civics
- Civil Disobedience
- Civil War
- Coalition Ministry
- Code
- Commonwealth, The
- Consensus
- Constituency
- Constitution
- Constitutional Monarchy
- Constitutional Theory
- Constitution, Federal
- Consumer
- Contraband Articles
- Convention
- Crown Colony
- Crusade
- Culture
- Currency
- Curfew
- Customs Duties
- Deadlock, Administrative
- Debt Relief Act
- Declaration of Rights
- Delegate
- Demagogue
- Democracy
- Dependency
- Depreciation of Money
- Despotic Government
- Diarchy
- Direct Taxation
- Divine Right
- Doctrine of Lapse
- Domicile
- Doomsday Book
- Economic Structure
- Election
- Electorate
- Embassy
- Emigrants
- Emigration
- Empire
- Envoy
- Excommunication
- Executive Council
- Exploitation
- Exploration
- Famine Relief
- Fanaticism
- Federal Constitution
- Feudal System
- Fiduciary
- Fief
- Floating Debt
- Flying Shuttle
- Forced Loan
- Foreign Office
- Foreign Policy
- Franchise
- Freeholders
- Free State
- Free Trade
- Guild
- Gold Standard
- Government, Responsible
- Grand Alliance
- Grants-In-Aid
- Great Charter of Liberties
- Habeas Corpus Act
- High Treason
- Home Government
- Home Office
- Hostage
- Immigrants
- Immigration
- Impeachment
- Imperialism
- Incidence of Taxation
- Independents
- Individual Liberty
- Indulgence
- Industrial Revolution
- Initiative, Private
- Initiative, Public
- Inscription
- Interdict
- Interpellations
- Joint Stock Company
- Journey Man
- Judicial Service
- Jurisdiction
- Labour, Division Of
- Labour Legislation
- Laissez-Faire
- Land Tenure
- Legal Tender
- Legislative Council
- Letters Patent
- Liberty of The Press
- Limited Liability
- Limited Monarchy
- Magna Carta
- Mandatory State
- Manorial System
- Martial Law
- Military Occupation
- Minority Minute (To Record in A Minute Book)
- Mobocracy
- Negotiation
- Neolithic Age
- No-Confidence Motion
- Nomination
- Non-Aggression
- Non-Co-Operation
- Non-Intervention Policy
- Non-Official Element
- No Tax Campaign
- Opposition, The
- Orders in Council
- Ordinance
- Palaeolithic Age
- Passive Resistance
- Petition of Right
- Policy
- Poor Rate
- Preferential Tariff
- Protective Duties
- Protective Tariff
- Rate Payers
- Reforms Act
- Regulating Act
- Reign Of Terror
- Renaissance, The
- Representative Government
- Responsible Government
- Round Table Conference
- Senate
- Service, Secret
- Sinking Fund
- Squire
- Standard of Life
- Standing Army
- Standing Committee
- Standing Orders
- Stock and Land Lease System
- Subject, Reserved
- Subject, Transferred
- Subsidiary System
- Suffrage
- Tariffs
- Tax
- Temperance
- Tenant
- Tolls
- Trade Union
- Unitary Constitution
- Vested Interests
- Veto
- White-Paper
- Working Committee
- World Court
- Write Of Habeas Corpus
Vocabulary Index
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