Christmas Vocabulary

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We have collected almost all the words related to Christmas Vocabulary and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU. Here is the Complete List of Vocabulary related to Christmas.

  1. Advent

  2. Angel

  3. Berry

  4. Bethlehem

  5. Candle

  6. Candy Cane

  7. Carolling

  8. Chimney

  9. Christ

  10. Christian

  11. Christianity

  12. Christmas

  13. Christmas Cactus

  14. Christmas Cake

  15. Christmas Card

  16. Christmas Carol

  17. Christmas Day

  18. Christmas Eve

  19. Christmas Holidays

  20. Christmas Present

  21. Christmas Pudding

  22. Christmas Tree

  23. Christmastide

  24. Christmastime

  25. Cracker

  26. Decoration

  27. Egg-Nog

  28. Evergreen

  29. Father Christmas

  30. Fireplace

  31. Frankincense

  32. Garland

  33. Gift

  34. Gold

  35. Greeting Card

  36. Holiday Season

  37. Holly

  38. Jesus

  39. Joseph

  40. Magi

  41. Manger

  42. Mary

  43. Merrymaking

  44. Mistletoe

  45. Myrrh

  46. Nativity

  47. Nativity Play

  48. New Year

  49. New Year's Day

  50. New Year's Eve

  51. Ornament

  52. Pageant

  53. Peppermint

  54. Poinsettia

  55. Present

  56. Reindeer

  57. Saint Nicholas

  58. Santa

  59. Santa Claus

  60. Scrooge

  61. Shepherd

  62. Sleigh

  63. Snow

  64. Star

  65. The Nativity

  66. The Star of Bethlehem

  67. Tinsel

  68. Turkey

  69. Wassailer

  70. White Christmas

  71. Winter Solstice

  72. Wreath

  73. Xmas

  74. Yule

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