Calm: Synonyms and Antonyms
We had to keep calm to hear what she said. Synonyms Pacify Hush Compose Quiet Solace Palliate Mitigate Lull Contextual Examples: The Government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry. Ram is a quiet little man who does his work inconspicuously but well. The assurances given by him could give no solace to the mourners. The new medicine is designed to mitigate the after-effects of sun strokes. This drug has a palliative effect but cannot cure the disease. Before every storm there is a lull for some time. Antonyms Agitate Excite Perturb Crisis Disturb Fluster Contextual Examples: The workers are agitating for higher wages. Modern civilization excites our nerve at every step. The clouds of war are presently perturbing the whole mankind. Deepak does not seem to have a solution for this crisis. It is a disturbing sign. We have tried our best to make this site as informative as possible. It will certainly help in broadening the horizons of knowledge of the visitors. We also apologize for the mistakes which are not deliberately committed. Both suggestions and criticisms to enhance the quality of this site are sincerely welcomed. Use our Contact Us form to submit both your suggestions and criticisms.
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