CAT Vocabulary Word List for 13th FebruaryEnglish Vocabulary Index
CAT Vocabulary Word List for 13th February :
Caress (n) : the dead body of an animal
Carcase (n) : the dead body of an animal
Card (n) : a rectangular piece of thick paper, paste-board
Card (v) : comb wool etc
Cardamom (n) : a kind of spice
Care (n) : charge, anxiety
Care (v) ; be anxious, heed
Career (n) : a profession
Careful (adj.) : with care , full of anxiety
Caress (v) : fondle
Caress (n) : act of endearment
Cargo (n) : goods that a ship carries
Caricature (n) : exaggerated picture
Carnage (n) : slaughter, massacre
Carnal (adj.) : relating to the body, sensual
Carnival (n) : revelry, festival
Carnivorous (adj.) : living on flesh
Carol (n) : song of joy
Carol (v) : sing merrily
Carpenter (n) : one who works in wood
Carpet (n) : a thick woven covering for the floor, rug
Carriage (n) : conveyance, a vehicle for carrying
Carrier (n) : a means of conveyance
Carrion (n) : decaying flesh of dead
Carrot (n) : a tuber like the radish
Carry (v) : covey, take from one place to another
Carrying (adj.) : conveying, (child)
Cart (n) : carriage
Cart (v) : convey by means of cart
Cartilage (n) : strong flexible tissue
Cartoon (n) : caricature
Cartoon (v) : draw a cartoon of
Carve (v) : engrave, cut figures
Cascade (n) : waterfall
Case (n) : event, suit, inflection of nouns, a cover, box
Case (v) : cover up
Casement (n) : a window
Cash (n) : money as coins or currency notes, money
Cash (v) : dismiss from service
Cashew (n) : a tree producing cashew nuts
Cashier (n) : one dealing in cash
Cashier (v) : dismiss from service
Cask (n) : barrel
Casket (n) : a small case or box
Cast (n) : a throw, actors in a play, a mould
Cast (v) : throw
Castaway (n) : a ship-wrecked person
Caste (n) : a class or order in society
Castigate (v) : punish, chastise
Castigation (n) : punishing, chastisement
Cast-iron (n) : moulded iron
Castle (n) : fortress, a fortified residence
CAT Vocabulary Word List for 13th February :
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