Oxymorons : Business
Here is the largest collection of the Oxymorons related to ~ Business ~.
Accident Forgiveness Active Reserves Amateur Expert Anonymous Colleague Assistant Manager Assistant Supervisor Authentic Replica Authentic Reproduction Bankrupt Millionaire Better than New Brief Survey Budget Deficit Budget Resolution Burial Benefits Business Breakfast Business Casual Business Dinner Business Ethics Business Lunch Business Party Classic New Homes Concrete VariableContract Out (con-tract = shrink) Corporate Ethics Corporate Family Counter Trends Crisis Management Customized Form Letter Customized Template Daily Special Death Benefits Diminishing Growth Disposable Income Drive-Thru Window Easy Payments Easy Task Executive Assistant Executive Decision Executive Secretary Extended Deadline Extensive Briefing External Income Flexible Budget Free Trade Free Trade Agreement Friendly Takeover Guest Worker Healthy Competition Home Office Independent Financial Advisor Industrial Park Job Security Limited Lifetime Guarantee Liquid Paper Long Briefing Looking Back at Looking Forward (The 1904 World's Fair) Mandatory Option (when buying a car) Mass Customization Mobile Station Mobil Station Mono poly Moving Target Naval Aviation Negative Gain Negative Growth (Recession) Negative Momentum Negative Profit New Antiques (Arriving Daily!) New Used Cars Non-Profit Organization Office Park Office Party One Person Crew One Person Team Original Reprint Original Reproduction Outside Income Paid Volunteer Paperless Office Partial Monopoly Permanent Substitute Personal Business Personalized Form Letter Petty Cash Real Potential Realistic Simulation Required to Volunteer Retired Worker Safety Hazard Short Survey Shredded Documents Small Fortune Socialist Market Economy Socialist Worker Specialize in Everything Spend thrift Sports Sedan Stagnant Growth Standard Deviation Strategic Withdrawal Sustainable Mining This page intentionally left blank (but it isn't!) True Replica Truth in Advertising Unique Uniforms Violent Agreement Wall Street Waste Management Work Party Working Lunch Working Vacation Zero Defects
Oxymoronic Quotes and Sayings : Business
A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on. - Samuel GoldwynBookkeeper: Mr. Goldwyn, our files are bulging with paperwork we no longer need. May I have your permission to destroy all records before 1945? Goldwyn: Certainly. Just be sure to keep a copy of everything. - Samuel Goldwyn</li>Free advice is worth what you paid for it.I paid too much for it, but its worth it. - Samuel GoldwynMinimum wage for a maximum loser. - (from The Hot Chick movie)We're overpaying him, but he's worth it. - Samuel GoldwynYou'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap. - Dolly PartonFrom Business to HOME PAGE
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