Business English Words
English Vocabulary Index Business English Words on 1st April :- Editorial (n) : leading article
- Educate (v) : provide schooling for train, bring up
- Education (n) : training, instruction
- Educe (v) : develop, bring out
- Eel (n) : a long snake-like fish
- Eerie-eery (adj.) : causing fear of strange things
- Effable (adj.) : that can be expresses
- Efface (v) : rub out, destroy, disappear, forget
- Effect (n) : result
- Effect (v) : produce, bring about
- Effective (adj.) : producing favourable result
- Effeminate (adj.) : womanish, unmanly
- Effervesce (v) : give off bubbles, to froth up
- Effete (adj.) : weak, useless
- Efficacy (n) : force, virtue
- Efficacy (adj.) : able to produce desired effect
- Efficient (adj.) : capable, operative, skilful
- Effigy (n) : image or portrait of a person
- Efflux (n) : flowing out, lapse, (of time)
- Effort (n) : exertion, strength
- Effrontery (n) : shameless, impudence
- Effulgence (n) : a flood of light, glory, brightness
- Effuse (v) : to pour out
- Egg (n) : an oval object laid by bird containing germs of the young one
- Egoism (n) : selfishness
- Egotism (n) : self-praise
- Egregious (adj.) : selected, notorious
- Egress (n) : the way out, exit
- Egret (n) : the young of an eagle
- Eider (n) : a sea-duck
- Eighteen (n) : the number between seventeen and nineteen
- Eighty (n) : ten times eight
- Either (adj. & pro) : one or the other this or that
- Ejaculate (v) : emit, utter, propel
- Eject (v) : expel, emit
- Eke (v) : to add to, to complete, make bigger
- Eke (adj.) : in addition to
- Ekka (n) : a small vehicle drawn by horse
- Elaborate (v) : to explain fully
- Elaborate (adj.) : detailed
- Elapse (v) : pass away
- Elastic (adv.) : flexible
- Elate (adj.) : in high spirits, proud
- Elate (v) : stimulate, make proud
- Elbow (n) : the joint between the upper arm and the fore arm
- Elder (adj.) : older
- Elder (n) : one who is order
- Elderly (adj.) : old aged
- Elect (v) : to select, choose
- Election (n) : choosing, choosing by vote
Business English Words on 1st April :
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