Differences Between
British Spelling & American Spelling

The main differences between American Spelling and British Spelling are given below:

• British English words that end in
-re (e.g. centre, fibre, theatre) often end in -er in American English (center, fiber, theater).

• British English words that end in
-our (e.g. colour, humour) usually end with -or in American English (color, humor).

• Verbs in British English that can be spelled with either
-ize or -ise at the end (e.g. recognize/recognise) are always spelled with -ize in American English.

• Verbs in British English that end in
-yse (e.g. analyse) are always spelled -yze in American English (analyze).

• In British spelling, verbs ending in a vowel plus
l double the l when adding endings that begin with a vowel (e.g. travel, travelled, traveller). In American English the l is not doubled (travel, traveled, traveler).

• British English words that are spelled with the double vowels
ae or oe (e.g. archaeology, manoeuvre) are just spelled with an e in American English (archeology, maneuver).

• Some nouns that end with
-ence in British English (e.g. licence, defence) are spelled -ense in American English (license, defense).

• Some nouns that end with
-ogue in British English (e.g. dialogue) end with -og in American English (dialog).

Commonly Confused Words : (American / British)

Jumper / Pinafore Dress
Sweater / Jumper
Rubber / Condom
Eraser / Rubber
Pants / Trousers
Panties / Pants
Chips / Crisps
French Fries / Chips

Different Words for The Same Thing: (American / British)

Cart / Trolley
Diaper / Nappy
Eggplant / Aubergine
Fall / Autumn
Line / Queue
Scallion / Spring onion
Snow peas / Mange tout
Trunk / Boot
Vacation / Holiday
Zucchini / Courgette

For the complete list of words with the spelling variations between American Spelling and British Spelling,

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For detailed differences between American Spelling and British Spelling,

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For another list of detailed differences between American English and British English,

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