Avoidable English Bloopers
After writing an English exam, a friend of mine came up to me and the following conversation ensued.Another funny incident happened to my friend who was walking in a park with her cousin. Friend: Wow, what a peaceful atmosphere! It's so calm. Cousin: Yes, this calamity is very nice! Calamity refers to a disaster or a tragedy. My friend's cousin mistakenly connected calamity with calm. A true calamity indeed! Wrong: You three both of you sit together separately.Wrong: I will recommend the suggestion that you must buy it -- it's a worthable one. The beginning is very confusing and has too many words. And WORTHABLE isn't even a word. Correct: I recommend that you buy it. It’s a worthwhile purchase. Wrong: Off all the on fans and lights.Once, my colleague wanted to inform our Director that his mother was seriously ill and that he needed a few days of leave. His application read as follows: Wrong: My mother is very dangerous and I want to saw her. Please leave me three days. The mother is not dangerous! She's very ill. Also, he doesn't want to saw her, which sounds gruesome. Instead he wants to see her, or better yet, 'be by her side'. Finally, he is requesting leave. He doesn't want the boss to actually leave him for three days. Correct: My mother is seriously ill and I would like to be by her side. Therefore, I request you grant me leave for three days. Wrong: You are staying alone and you can cook yourself?Wrong: Take out my ticket Wrong: I got angry on him Correct: Buy my ticket. Correct: I got angry with him. Wrong: When my boss asked me why I came late, I said him that I had to attend a function.Wrong: This place is called as the Garden City of India If you're using the word AS, you should use KNOWN AS. Correct: This place is known as the Garden City of India Wrong: I didn't got his mail.Wrong: My husband and I went and bought furnitures for our new house. The word FURNITURE is plural. Correct: My husband and I went and bought furniture for our new house. Wrong: He is a MP.Wrong: He is a simpleton. People use this expression without knowing its meaning. Simpleton does not mean simple. It means idiot. Correct: He is a simple man. Wrong: Each individual data tells a different story.Wrong: He is one of those who performs well. Even authors make this mistake. They see HE and immediately use the singular form. But, because HE is part of a group, you use the plural verb. Correct: He is one of those who perform well. Wrong: I came an hour back.Wrong: She has went to the store. Many people do not know the conjugation of English verbs. With the verb TO GO the conjugation is: GO, WENT, GONE. You say GO in the present, WENT in the past, and GONE in the past participle. Past participle is used only with auxiliary verbs like HAVE or HAS. Correct: She has gone to the store. Wrong: Peoples and childrens do not listen.Wrong: Even after a laps of three months, I was still granted a visa. The word here is lapse, to denote passage of time. Lap means either the flat area between one's stomach and knees (the child slept on my lap) or the circuit of a track/race course (the event had total 12 laps, but he got out in the second lap itself). Correct: Even after a lapse of three months, I was still granted a visa. Wrong: Please speak politically.Wrong: He have no sense. HE is singular, so the verb is singular as well has. Correct: He has no sense. I didn't knew her mother when I was young.I prefer studying in the midnight. I prefer studying at the morning. In the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening all denote a general time. For a specific time, such as noon and night, you must use AT. It should be: I prefer studying at midnight. I prefer studying in the morning. I was excepting a better show.On what bases can you argue with me? Where are the criminal basis in Mumbai? Bases and basis essentially, mean the same but it is important to use the right word in the right place. Base is a foundation (as in a building, structure). Basis is also a foundation in terms of a fundamental or principle; it is abstract. On what basis can you argue with me? What are the criminal bases in Mumbai? In case of feeling of Hot or cold please to control yourself. Articles Index
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