Bible Words

This List, which is full of Bible Words, gives brief explanations of words in the Authorised Version describing unfamiliar objects, animals, plants, weights, measures, money, and words no longer in everyday use, or now used with different meaning. This word list is endless. We have done our best to collect all the words which could be found in the Bible. You are welcome to forward to us any new word which you want to be added in this list of words.

Here is the list of words beginning with P.

  1. Paddle : small spade or trowel

  2. Painful : laborious, difficult

  3. Painfulness : toil, labour

  4. Palmerworm : destructive locust

  5. Palsy : paralysis

  6. Paper : papyrus

  7. Paps : breasts

  8. Parcel : piece, portion

  9. Parlour : upper room, room

  10. Passage : mountain pass, ford

  11. Pate : head

  12. Peculiar : one’s own property

  13. Peep : chirp of a bird

  14. Penny : a day’s wage

  15. Pence : a day’s wage

  16. Pentecost : fiftieth day after Passover

  17. Peradventure : perhaps

  18. Phylacteries : stripes of parchment inscribed with texts in a small leather case bound on the forehead or left arm

  19. Pictures : images carved in relief

  20. Pilled : peeled, stripped off bark

  21. Plat : plot of ground

  22. Platter : dish

  23. Play : fence, fight with swords

  24. Polled : cut hair

  25. Polls : heads

  26. Pommels : bowl-shaped ornament on a pillar

  27. Port : gate

  28. Post : messenger carrying letters

  29. Potsherd : piece of broken pottery

  30. Pottage : soup, stew

  31. Pound : mina

  32. Pourtray : draw, carve

  33. Prating : chattering, babbling

  34. Presently : immediately

  35. Press : crowd

  36. Pressfat : vat of a winepress

  37. Prevent : go before, anticipate

  38. Prey : booty, spoil

  39. Pricks : goods for driving cattle

  40. Printed : inscribed

  41. Prised : priced, value

  42. Privily : secretly

  43. Privy : secret, private, knowing a secret

  44. Profane : common, unholy, to dishonour

  45. Prognosticators : forecasters

  46. Proper : personal, handsome, beautiful

  47. Proselyte : a convert to Judaism

  48. Prove : test, try

  49. Provide : consider beforehand, take thought for

  50. Providence : forethought

  51. Psaltery : stringed instrument

  52. Publican : tax collector

  53. Pulse : vegetables, beans

  54. Purchase : obtain

  55. Purtenance : internal organs, inward parts

  56. Put to : apply, use

  57. Pygarg : Antelope

Bible Words Index

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