Bible Words
This List, which is full of Bible Words, gives brief explanations of words in the Authorised Version describing unfamiliar objects, animals, plants, weights, measures, money, and words no longer in everyday use, or now used with different meaning. This word list is endless. We have done our best to collect all the words which could be found in the Bible. You are welcome to forward to us any new word which you want to be added in this list of words. Here is the list of words beginning with P. - Paddle : small spade or trowel
- Painful : laborious, difficult
- Painfulness : toil, labour
- Palmerworm : destructive locust
- Palsy : paralysis
- Paper : papyrus
- Paps : breasts
- Parcel : piece, portion
- Parlour : upper room, room
- Passage : mountain pass, ford
- Pate : head
- Peculiar : one’s own property
- Peep : chirp of a bird
- Penny : a day’s wage
- Pence : a day’s wage
- Pentecost : fiftieth day after Passover
- Peradventure : perhaps
- Phylacteries : stripes of parchment inscribed with texts in a small leather case bound on the forehead or left arm
- Pictures : images carved in relief
- Pilled : peeled, stripped off bark
- Plat : plot of ground
- Platter : dish
- Play : fence, fight with swords
- Polled : cut hair
- Polls : heads
- Pommels : bowl-shaped ornament on a pillar
- Port : gate
- Post : messenger carrying letters
- Potsherd : piece of broken pottery
- Pottage : soup, stew
- Pound : mina
- Pourtray : draw, carve
- Prating : chattering, babbling
- Presently : immediately
- Press : crowd
- Pressfat : vat of a winepress
- Prevent : go before, anticipate
- Prey : booty, spoil
- Pricks : goods for driving cattle
- Printed : inscribed
- Prised : priced, value
- Privily : secretly
- Privy : secret, private, knowing a secret
- Profane : common, unholy, to dishonour
- Prognosticators : forecasters
- Proper : personal, handsome, beautiful
- Proselyte : a convert to Judaism
- Prove : test, try
- Provide : consider beforehand, take thought for
- Providence : forethought
- Psaltery : stringed instrument
- Publican : tax collector
- Pulse : vegetables, beans
- Purchase : obtain
- Purtenance : internal organs, inward parts
- Put to : apply, use
- Pygarg : Antelope
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