Basic English Words for 26th February
English Vocabulary Index Basic English Words for 26th February :- Confess (v) : acknowledge(sin or crime)
- Confession (n) : the act of owning ( a sin or crime)
- Confident (n) : trusted friend
- Confide (v) : trust, entrust
- Confidence (n) : a trust
- Confidential (adj.) : trustworthy, secret
- Confine (n) : border
- Confine (pl.) : border area
- Confine (v) : keep within limits, imprison, be in childbed, bed-ridden
- Confinement (n) : imprisonment, detention, child-birth, loneliness
- Confirm (v) : make sure or certain , make permanent
- Confirm (n) : confirmation
- Confiscate (v) : forfeit, seize(as a penalty)
- Confiscate (n) : confiscation
- Conflagration (n) : blaze, revolt
- Conflict (n) : a fight
- Conflict (v) : be at opposite sides; clash
- Confluence (n) : place where several(rivers etc.) meet, a large assemblage
- Conform (v) : agree with, adapt, submit, observe
- Conformity (n) : agreement, harmony
- Confound (v) : puzzle, astonish or astound, disarrange
- Confront (v) : oppose
- Confuse (v) : perplex, throw into disorder
- Confusion (v) : bewilderment, act of confusing
- Congeal (v) : coagulate, freeze, become solid
- Congenial (adj.) : pleasing, suiting one’s taste
- Congest (v) : heap up, overcrowd
- Congestion (n) : the state of being overcrowded
- Congratulate (n) : wish joy(on)
- Congratulation (n) : act of complimenting
- Congregate (v) : assemble
- Congregation (n) : an assembly for worship
- Congress (n) : an assembly
- Congruent (adj.) : exactly, similar
- Conjecture (n) : a guess
- Conjecture (v) : form an idea
- Conjoint (adj.) : united
- Conjoint (adv.) : conjointly
- Conjunction (n) : a word which joins
- Conjure (v) : beg
- Conjurer (n) : a magician, a juggler
- Connect (v) : join
- Connected (adj.) : related, allied, joined
- Connection (n) : relation, thing that joins
- Connivance (n) : implicit consent
- Connive (v) : purposely overlook
- Connotation (n) : meaning
Basic English Words for 26th February :
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