
English Grammar Index

Bar-Chart :

Study the following Bar-Chart carefully and answer the questions given below by choosing the best options.


  1. The number of boys who go to college by bicycle is equal to the number of girls who use……..

    (a) city bus

    (b) moped

    (c) scooter

    (d) car

    ANSWER : a

  2. The number of boys who use the scooter is……..

    (a) equal to the number of girls using the scooter

    (b) less than the number of girls using the scooter

    (c) three times greater than the number of girls using scooter

    (d) very low

    ANSWER : c

  3. The total number of girls who go to college by scooter and moped is……

    (a) 80

    (b) 10

    (c) 70

    (d) 90

    ANSWER : d

  4. The vehicle used least by the boys is the……..

    (a) bicycle

    (b) car

    (c) moped

    (d) scooter

    ANSWER : b

  5. Equal number of girls make use of………

    (a) bicycle and city bus

    (b) scooter and car

    (c) car and moped

    (d) moped and bicycle

    ANSWER : b

English Grammar Tests

English Grammar Index

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English Grammar Index

Bar-Chart :

Study the following Bar-Chart carefully and answer the questions given below by choosing the best options.

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