Bait and Bat and Bet and Vat

Bait and Bat and Bet and Vat :

Bait :

( 1 ) Food or imitation food put on a hook to catch fish or places in nets, traps, etc. to attract prey

The fish nibbled at the bait.

Bat : (noun)

( 1 ) Usually Wooden implement of a specified size and shape and with a handle used for hitting the ball in games such as cricket

He needs a bat.

( 2 ) Small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on fruits and insects Do you like to see bats?

He dashed around like a bat out of hell.

Bet : (noun)

( 1 ) Arrangements to risk money on an event of which the result is doubted

He made a bet on the horse-race.

He lost a bet in the recent past.

( 2 ) Opinion – prediction

My bet is that she had got held up in the traffic.

Bet : (verb)

( 1 ) Risk money on a race or on some other event of which the result is doubted

He spends all his money betting on horses.

Vat : (noun)

( 1 ) Tank or large container for holding liquids in distilling or brewing or dyeing and tanning

Vats are manufactured in this factory.

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