Business Dictionary : Authenticate, Authority, Authorize, Authorization and Authorized
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Authenticate : verb : to say that something is true
Authority : noun : power to do something (a)
• He has no authority to act on our behalf.
Local Authority = elected section of government which runs a small area of a country
The Authorities = the government or the people in control
NOTE : no plural for (a)
Authorize : verb :
(a) to give permission for something to be done
• To authorize payment of £10,000
(b) to give someone the authority to do something
• To authorize someone to act on the company's behalf
Authorization : noun : permission or power to do something
• Do you have authorization for this expenditure?
• He has no authorization to act on our behalf.
NOTE : no plural
Authorized : adjective : permitted
Authorized Capital = amount of capital which a company is allowed to have as stated in the articles of association
Authorized Dealer = person or company (such as a bank) which is allowed to buy and sell foreign currency
QUOTE : In 1934 Congress authorized President Franklin O. Roosevelt to seek lower tariffs with any country willing to reciprocate. (Duns Business Month)
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