Astronomy Anagrams
Anagrams Index
Here is the List of Astronomy Anagrams.
Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of other words or phrases.
E.g. THE EYES is an anagram of THEY SEE.
alignment lamenting | albedo doable | altitude latitude | arc car | atom moat | binary brainy | corona racoon | cosmic comics | crater tracer | density destiny |
dipper ripped | Earth hater heart | flare feral | flares falser | gas sag | giants sating | lunar ulnar | magma gamma | mantle lament mantel mental | mare ream |
Mars arms rams | meteor emoter remote | moon mono | nebula unable | nuclear unclear | Oort root | orbits bistro | phase heaps shape | planet platen | rings grins |
rockets restock | rotates toaster | sidereal realised | solar orals | sonic coins icons scion | space capes paces | spectra carpets | spectrum crumpets | star arts rats tars | stars tsars |
sunspot unstops | umbra rumba | From Astronomy Anagrams to HOME PAGE