English Grammar IndexHere is a list of few words for which we need antonyms frequently. - Active x passive
- Afraid x brave
- Ancient x modern
- Best x worst
- Common x strange
- Common x uncommon
- Curious x hateful
- Dangerous x safe
- Eager x hateful
- Early x late
- False x real
- Famous x unknown
- First x last
- First x last
- Friend x foe
- Great x small
- Hated x liked
- Lie x truth
- Loved x hated
- Manual x mechanical
- Many x few
- Modern x old
- Natural x artificial
- Oldest x youngest
- Peace x war
- Popular x unpopular
- Powerful x weak
- Public x personal
- Quickly x slowly
- Released x arrested
- Released x imprisoned
- Remember x forgot
- Restless x quiet
- Sharp x blunt
- Sheepish x royal
- Shy x bold
- Silly x clever
- Stiffness x flexibility
- Stupid x clever
- Stupidity x intelligence
- Urged x pacified
- Won x defeated
- Worried x happy
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