Anagrams of TV World

Here are some of the funniest and best
Anagrams of TV World ever found. They are mostly well-known amongst anagrammists.Beavis And Butthead-- Thus, Be A Bad Deviant

The Simpson’s - Oh! Miss-Spent

Three's Company = Hepaysrent.Com

The Brady Bunch = Chubby Hat Nerd

Power Rangers = Narrower Pegs

A Cartoon Network-Not A Coworker Ant

The Simpson's: Mesh Pistols

The Simpson’s = Men’s Hot Piss

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Feverishly Repay Fat Bum

Sister, Sister = Resist Resist (Disney TV Show)

Oprah Winfrey = Horrify, We Nap

Will And Grace: Crawling Deal

James Bond: Jabs Demon

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Feverishly May Fate Burp

The Addams Family: My Dismal Fathead

All In The Family: Finally The Mail

The Beverly Hillbillies: Slithery Evil Bible Hell

Beavis And Butthead: Bathtub's Naive Dead

South Park: OK, Up Trash

Homer Simpson's: Rhino Mops Mess

The Cosby Show: Shh, Cowboy Set

Doogie Howser MD: Gosh, Weirdo Mode

The Golden Girls: Still Hog Gender

Grace Under Fire: Fine Career Dung

Timon And Pumba: Dumb Patio Mann

Anagrams Index

Letter of Invitation|Letter of Condolence|Business Letters

Synonyms and Antonyms

Vocabulary|English Teacher|Etymology|Longest Word |Letter Writing

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