Here are some of the funniest and best Anagrams of Sports ever found. They are mostly well-known amongst anagrammists.Los Angeles Lakers- less legal KoreansSan Francisco Giants- Fascinating! No scars! Los Angeles Dodgers- all negro goddessesSan Diego Padres- ignored sad apesDerek Jeter = jerked tree American football - formation ball acevolleyball = lovely ballThe Cincinnati Reds = Indecent ChristianPlayers=ParsleyNew York Mets: My Worst KneeIce Hockey: Key ChoiceBasketball: Bleak BlastGymnastics: Stingy ScamTable Tennis: Baste LinnetBobsleighing: Genghis BilboTae Kwon Do: Woad TokenParascending: Nice GrandpasField Hockey: Cheeky If OldSkateboarding: Sabotaged RinkBadminton: Bind On MatLawn Tennis: Wants LinenBaseball: Babes AllDetroit Red Wings: Wetting Disorder
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