
Here are some of the funniest and best
Anagram-Movies ever found. They are mostly well-known amongst anagrammists.

Pirates of the Caribbean - prefabricate nose habit

Pinocchio -- Icon I Chop

The Lord of the Rings - three torn goldfish

The Two Towers: throw wet toes

Harry Potter: Hyper Rot Rat

A Walk to Remember (movie) - bleaker worm meat

Lord of the Rings: Frosting Holder

The Matrix - That Mixer

Margaret Thatcher - That great charmer

Austin Powers = power us satin

Unforgiven: Fun over gin

Gunfight at the OK Corral: Choking grateful throat

Broken Arrow: A born worker

Escape from Alcatraz: Crap frozen in lame cast

James Bond: Demons jab

Saturday night fever: Dirty after shave gun

The parallax view: Raw laxative help

Last man standing: Damm Satan glints

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Letter of Invitation|Letter of Condolence|Business Letters

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