Alliterative and Rhythmic Phrases
Alliterative and Rhythmic Phrases Index
The Medieval English verses are full of alliterations and alliterative and rhythmic phrases. The tradition of composing alliterative verses was, however, discontinued in the modern English period. Among the modern poets A.C. Swinburne was the greatest composer of alliterative lines.
The English language abounds in alliterative and rhythmic phrases. Few of the alliterative and rhythmic phrases have been compiled here for your reference. The following alliterative and rhythmic phrases have been selected from a Dictionary.
- Sacred and sanctified place
- To be safe and secure
- Safety and security
- Say something simple
- Seductive and insinuating music
- Sense of relief and satisfaction
- Sense of something strange
- Sense of stability and security
- To be serious and sincere
- Serious, sincere, systematic service surely secures supreme success - Ruskin
- Service and a selfish beast
- Sharp and sudden answer
- Shatteringly startling
- Sheltered and secure life
- Shocking and dreadful sight
- The shortest and surest way
- A simple and self-evident statement
- Simple and sincere tribute
- Sincerity and straightforwardness
- Slow and sure
- Softly speak and sweetly smile
- Something of that sort
- Sorrows and sufferings
- The sound must seem an echo to the sense - Pope
- To stand all the stress and strain
- The still small voice of the slumbering soul - M V Seetaraman
- Straightforward statement of fact
- Strength and stamina
- The striving and suffering scholar's life
- A strong and sound society
- Sturdy and sullen sunshine
- Symbol of strength and stability
- Systematic and satisfying explanation