Algebra Vocabulary

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We have collected almost all the words related to Algebra Vocabulary and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU. Here is the Complete List of Vocabulary related to Algebra.

  1. Absolute value
  2. Acute Angle
  3. Additive identity
  4. Additive inverse property
  5. Algebraic equation
  6. Algebraic expression
  7. Algebraic order of operations
  8. Algebraic rule
  9. Angle
  10. Area
  11. Associative property
  12. Axes
  13. Base
  14. Break
  15. Capacity
  16. Circumference
  17. Closed figure
  18. Commutative property
  19. Complementary angles
  20. Composite
  21. Concrete representations of numbers
  22. Congruent
  23. Coordinate grid or system
  24. Coordinates
  25. Customary units
  26. Data displays
  27. Decimal number
  28. Diameter
  29. Direct measure
  30. Distributive property
  31. Effects of operations
  32. Enlargement
  33. Equation
  34. Equivalent expressions
  35. Equivalent forms of a number
  36. Estimation
  37. Evaluate an expression
  38. Explain in words
  39. Exponent (exponential form)
  40. Expression
  41. Extrapolate
  42. Face
  43. Factor
  44. Finite graph
  45. Flip
  46. Fraction
  47. Function
  48. Function table
  49. Grid
  50. Height
  51. Hypothesis
  52. Indirect measure
  53. Inequality
  54. Integers
  55. Intercept
  56. Intersection
  57. Inverse operation
  58. Irrational number
  59. Labels (for a graph)
  60. Length
  61. Likelihood
  62. Line
  63. Line segment
  64. Linear equation
  65. Mean
  66. Median
  67. Metric units
  68. Midpoint of a line segment
  69. Mode
  70. Multiples
  71. Multiplicative identity
  72. Multiplicative inverse (reciprocal)
  73. Natural numbers (counting numbers)
  74. Negative exponent
  75. Nonstandard units of measure
  76. Number line
  77. Obtuse angle
  78. Odds
  79. Operation
  80. Operational shortcut
  81. Ordered pair
  82. Organize data
  83. Parallel lines
  84. Pattern (relationship)
  85. Percent
  86. Perimeter
  87. Perpendicular
  88. Pi
  89. Place value
  90. Planar cross section
  91. Plane
  92. Plane figure
  93. Point
  94. Polygon
  95. Prime number
  96. Prism
  97. Probability
  98. Probability, empirical
  99. Probability, theoretical
  100. Proof
  101. Pythagorean theorem
  102. Quadrant
  103. Radical sign
  104. Radicand
  105. Radius
  106. Range of a set of numbers
  107. Rate/distance
  108. Ratio
  109. Rational number
  110. Ray
  111. Real numbers
  112. Reciprocal
  113. Reflection
  114. Reflexive axiom of equality
  115. Regular polygon
  116. Relation (relationship)
  117. Relative size
  118. Right angle
  119. Right circular cylinder
  120. Right triangle geometry
  121. Rise
  122. Rotation
  123. Rule
  124. Run
  125. Scale model
  126. Scales
  127. Scatter plot
  128. Scientific notation
  129. Sequence
  130. Side
  131. Similar figures
  132. Similarity
  133. Slide
  134. Slope
  135. Solid figures
  136. Spatial relationships
  137. Square root
  138. Squiggle
  139. Standard units of measure
  140. Straight angle
  141. Supplementary angles
  142. Surface area of a geometric solid
  143. Symbolic expression
  144. Symbolic representations of numbers
  145. Symmetry
  146. Systems of equations
  147. Tessellation
  148. Transformation
  149. Transitive property
  150. Translation
  151. Tree diagram
  152. Turn
  153. Unorganized data
  154. Variable
  155. Vertex
  156. Vertical angles
  157. Volume
  158. Weight
  159. Whole numbers
  160. X-intercept
  161. Y-intercept

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