Adverbs Vocabulary Word List
List OF Adverbs Vocabulary beginning with O :
- oafishly
- oathfully
- obdurately
- obediently
- obeisantly
- objectively
- obligatorily
- obligedly
- obligingly
- obliquely
- obliviously
- obnoxiously
- obscenely
- obscurely
- obsequiously
- observantly
- observingly
- obsessively
- obstinately
- obstreperously
- obtrusively
- obtusely
- obviously
- occasionally
- occupiedly
- oddly
- odorously
- off
- off-balancingly
- off-key
- offendedly
- offensively
- offhandedly
- officially
- officiously
- off-tune
- often
- oilily
- ominously
- once
- one-handedly
- onerously
- only
- onward
- onwardly
- onwards
- open-mindedly
- open-mouthedly
- openhandedly
- openly
- operosely
- opinionatedly
- opportunely
- opportunistically
- opposedly
- oppositely
- oppressively
- optimally
- optimistically
- oracularly
- orderingly
- orderly
- ordinarily
- organizationally
- organizedly
- organizingly
- ornamentally
- ornately
- ornerily
- ostensibly
- ostentatiously
- otherwise
- orthodoxly
- out
- outlandishly
- outragedly
- outrageously
- outrightly
- outspokenly
- outward
- outwardly
- outwards
- over-eagerly
- over-enthusiastically
- over-joyedly
- over-zealously
- overbearingly
- overconfidently
- overeagerly
- overenthusiastically
- overhead
- overmuch
- overprotectively
- overtly
- overwhelmedly
- overwhelmingly
- overzealously
- owlishly
- oxymoronically
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