Adverbs Vocabulary Word List

List OF Adverbs Vocabulary beginning with F :

  1. face-first
  2. facetiously
  3. facilely
  4. factually
  5. faintheartedly
  6. faintly
  7. fairly
  8. faithfully
  9. faithlessly
  10. fallaciously
  11. falsely
  12. falteringly
  13. familiarly
  14. famishedly
  15. famously
  16. fanatically
  17. fancifully
  18. fancily
  19. fantastically
  20. farcically
  21. fascinatedly
  22. fashionably
  23. faster
  24. fastidiously
  25. fatalistically
  26. fatally
  27. fatefully
  28. fattily
  29. fatuously
  30. favorably
  31. favourably
  32. fawningly
  33. fearfully
  34. fearlessly
  35. fearsomely
  36. featherly
  37. fecklessly
  38. feebly
  39. feelingly
  40. feet-first
  41. feignedly
  42. felicitously
  43. femininely
  44. ferally
  45. ferociously
  46. fervently
  47. fervidly
  48. festively
  49. fetchingly
  50. fetidly
  51. feudally
  52. feverishly
  53. ficklely
  54. fiendishly
  55. fiercely
  56. figuratively
  57. filially
  58. filthily
  59. finally
  60. finely
  61. finickily
  62. finickingly
  63. firmly
  64. first
  65. firstly
  66. fishily
  67. fitfully
  68. fittingly
  69. fixatedly
  70. fixedly
  71. flabbergastedly
  72. flagrantly
  73. flakily
  74. flamboyantly
  75. flamingly
  76. flashily
  77. flashingly
  78. flatly
  79. flatteredly
  80. flatteringly
  81. flauntingly
  82. flavoressly
  83. flavorfully
  84. flavourfully
  85. flavourlessly
  86. flawlessly
  87. fleetingly
  88. flexibly
  89. flickeringly
  90. flightily
  91. flimsily
  92. flippantly
  93. flirtatiously
  94. flirtingly
  95. florally
  96. floridly
  97. floutingly
  98. flouncily
  99. flounderingly
  100. flourishingly
  101. flowingly
  102. fluctuatingly
  103. fluently
  104. fluffily
  105. fluidly
  106. flummoxedly
  107. flushedly
  108. flusteredly
  109. flutteringly
  110. focusedly
  111. foggily
  112. followingly
  113. fondly
  114. foolishly
  115. foppishly
  116. forbiddingly
  117. forcedly
  118. forcefully
  119. forcibly
  120. forebearingly
  121. forebodingly
  122. foreignly
  123. foreknowingly
  124. foresakenly
  125. foreseeingly
  126. foresightedly
  127. forgetfully
  128. forgivingly
  129. forlornly
  130. formally
  131. formidably
  132. formlessly
  133. forth
  134. forthcomingly
  135. forthrightly
  136. fortuitously
  137. fortunately
  138. forward
  139. forward-and-back
  140. forwardly
  141. foully
  142. foxily
  143. fractionally
  144. fractiously
  145. fragilely
  146. fragrantly
  147. frailly
  148. frankly
  149. frantically
  150. fraternally
  151. fraudulently
  152. frazzledly
  153. freakishly
  154. freely
  155. freezingly
  156. frenetically
  157. frenziedly
  158. frequently
  159. freshly
  160. fretfully
  161. friendlily
  162. frighfully
  163. frightenedly
  164. frighteningly
  165. frightfully
  166. frigidly
  167. friskily
  168. frivolously
  169. frolicsomely
  170. frontally
  171. frostily
  172. frothily
  173. frowningly
  174. frozenly
  175. frugally
  176. fruitfully
  177. fruitlessly
  178. frustratedly
  179. frustrately
  180. fully
  181. fulsomely
  182. fumblingly
  183. functionally
  184. funereally
  185. funnily
  186. furiously
  187. furrily
  188. further
  189. furthermore
  190. furtively
  191. fussily
  192. futilely
  193. fuzzily

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