Adverbs Vocabulary Word List

List OF Adverbs Vocabulary beginning with D :

  1. daffily
  2. daftly
  3. daintily
  4. damply
  5. dancingly
  6. dangerously
  7. dapperly
  8. daringly
  9. darkly
  10. dashingly
  11. dauntedly
  12. dauntingly
  13. dauntlessly
  14. dazedly
  15. dazzlingly
  16. deadpan
  17. deafeningly
  18. deafly
  19. dearly
  20. debasedly
  21. debonairly
  22. decadently
  23. deceitfully
  24. decently
  25. deceptively
  26. decidedly
  27. decisively
  28. decoratively
  29. decorously
  30. decreasingly
  31. dedicatedly
  32. deductively
  33. deeper
  34. deeply
  35. defamatorily
  36. defeatedly
  37. defectingly
  38. defencelessly
  39. defenselessly
  40. defensively
  41. deferentially
  42. defiantly
  43. definitely
  44. deflatedly
  45. deflectingly
  46. deformedly
  47. deftly
  48. dejectedly
  49. delectably
  50. deliberately
  51. delicately
  52. deliciously
  53. delightedly
  54. delightfully
  55. deliriously
  56. deludedly
  57. demandingly
  58. dementedly
  59. demonstrably
  60. demonstratively
  61. demurely
  62. densely
  63. denunciatorily
  64. denyingly
  65. dependably
  66. dependantly
  67. dependently
  68. deplorably
  69. depravedly
  70. deprecatingly
  71. deprecatively
  72. depreciatorily
  73. depressedly
  74. depressingly
  75. derangedly
  76. derisively
  77. derivatively
  78. derogatively
  79. descendingly
  80. descriptively
  81. deservingly
  82. desirously
  83. desolately
  84. despairingly
  85. desperately
  86. despisingly
  87. despondently
  88. despotically
  89. destructively
  90. desultorily
  91. detachedly
  92. determinedly
  93. detrimentally
  94. devastatedly
  95. devastatingly
  96. devilishly
  97. deviously
  98. devotedly
  99. devotionally
  100. devoutly
  101. dexterously
  102. diabolically
  103. diagonally
  104. dictatorily
  105. didactically
  106. differently
  107. difficultly
  108. diffidently
  109. dignifiedly
  110. diligently
  111. diminutively
  112. dim-wittedly
  113. dimly
  114. dimwittedly
  115. diplomatically
  116. directly
  117. direly
  118. dirtily
  119. disagreeably
  120. disagreeingly
  121. disappointedly
  122. disappointingly
  123. disapprovingly
  124. disarmingly
  125. disastrously
  126. disbelievingly
  127. discernibly
  128. discerningly
  129. discomfortingly
  130. discomposedly
  131. disconcertedly
  132. disconcertingly
  133. disconnectedly
  134. disconsolately
  135. discontentedly
  136. discordantly
  137. discouragingly
  138. discourteously
  139. discreetly
  140. discretely
  141. discretionally
  142. discriminatingly
  143. disdainfully
  144. disenchantedly
  145. disfavorably
  146. disgracefully
  147. disgruntledly
  148. disguisedly
  149. disgustedly
  150. disgustingly
  151. disharmoniously
  152. disheartenedly
  153. disheveledly
  154. dishonestly
  155. dishonorably
  156. disillusionedly
  157. disingenuously
  158. disinterestedly
  159. disjointedly
  160. dismally
  161. dismayedly
  162. dismayingly
  163. dismissively
  164. disobediently
  165. disobligingly
  166. disorganizedly
  167. disorientedly
  168. disparagingly
  169. dispassionately
  170. dispiritedly
  171. displeasedly
  172. disproportionally
  173. disproportionately
  174. disquietedly
  175. disquietingly
  176. disquietly
  177. disrespectfully
  178. disruptively
  179. dissatisfiedly
  180. dissentingly
  181. dissimilarly
  182. dissolutely
  183. dissonantly
  184. dissuasively
  185. distantly
  186. distastefully
  187. distemperately
  188. distinctively
  189. distinctly
  190. distinguishedly
  191. distractedly
  192. distractingly
  193. distraughtly
  194. distressedly
  195. distrustfully
  196. distrustingly
  197. disturbedly
  198. disturbingly
  199. ditzily
  200. divertedly
  201. divertingly
  202. dividedly
  203. divinely
  204. dizzily
  205. dizzyingly
  206. docilely
  207. dodgily
  208. doggedly
  209. dogmatically
  210. dolefully
  211. dolorously
  212. domestically
  213. dominantly
  214. domineeringly
  215. dotingly
  216. doubly
  217. doubtfully
  218. doubtingly
  219. doubtlessly
  220. doughtily
  221. dourly
  222. downcastly
  223. downheartedly
  224. downtroddenly
  225. downward
  226. downwardly
  227. draconially
  228. draftily
  229. drainedly
  230. dramatically
  231. drastically
  232. drawlingly
  233. dreadfully
  234. dreadingly
  235. dreamily
  236. dreamlessly
  237. drearily
  238. drenchedly
  239. drolly
  240. droopily
  241. drowsily
  242. drunkenly
  243. dry-eyedly
  244. dryly
  245. dubiously
  246. duely
  247. dulcetly
  248. dully
  249. dumbfoundedly
  250. dumbly
  251. duplicitously
  252. duskily
  253. dustily
  254. duteously
  255. dutifully
  256. dwindlingly
  257. dynamically

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