Administration Vocabulary

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Administration Vocabulary :

As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means
1. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons

2. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined

3. The words of a language

We have collected almost all the words related to Administration and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU.

Here is The Complete Lists.

  1. Act of Settlement

  2. Act of Union

  3. Ad Valorem

  4. Agrarian Revolution

  5. Aggression

  6. Alliance

  7. Appeal

  8. Appropriation Bill

  9. Armed Neutrality

  10. Autonomy

  11. Balance Of Trade

  12. Balance Of Power

  13. Ballot

  14. Benevolent Despotism

  15. Bill Of Rights

  16. Blockade (Naval)

  17. Buffer-State

  18. Bull (Papal)

  19. Bullion

  20. Bureaucracy

  21. By Law

  22. Bye Laws

  23. Candidate

  24. Casting Vote

  25. Census

  26. Centralised Monarchy

  27. Chamber Of Commerce

  28. Chancellor of the Exchequer

  29. Charter of Liberties

  30. Chronology

  31. Circumnavigation

  32. Citizen

  33. Citizenship

  34. City Fathers

  35. Civics

  36. Civil Disobedience

  37. Civil War

  38. Coalition Ministry

  39. Code

  40. Commonwealth, The

  41. Consensus

  42. Constituency

  43. Constitution

  44. Constitutional Monarchy

  45. Constitutional Theory

  46. Constitution, Federal

  47. Consumer

  48. Contraband Articles

  49. Convention

  50. Crown Colony

  51. Crusade

  52. Culture

  53. Currency

  54. Curfew

  55. Customs Duties

  56. Deadlock, Administrative

  57. Debt Relief Act

  58. Declaration of Rights

  59. Delegate

  60. Demagogue

  61. Democracy

  62. Dependency

  63. Depreciation of Money

  64. Despotic Government

  65. Diarchy

  66. Direct Taxation

  67. Divine Right

  68. Doctrine of Lapse

  69. Domicile

  70. Doomsday Book

  71. Economic Structure

  72. Election

  73. Electorate

  74. Embassy

  75. Emigrants

  76. Emigration

  77. Empire

  78. Envoy

  79. Excommunication

  80. Executive Council

  81. Exploitation

  82. Exploration

  83. Famine Relief

  84. Fanaticism

  85. Federal Constitution

  86. Feudal System

  87. Fiduciary

  88. Fief

  89. Floating Debt

  90. Flying Shuttle

  91. Forced Loan

  92. Foreign Office

  93. Foreign Policy

  94. Franchise

  95. Freeholders

  96. Free State

  97. Free Trade

  98. Guild

  99. Gold Standard

  100. Government, Responsible

  101. Grand Alliance

  102. Grants-In-Aid

  103. Great Charter of Liberties

  104. Habeas Corpus Act

  105. High Treason

  106. Home Government

  107. Home Office

  108. Hostage

  109. Immigrants

  110. Immigration

  111. Impeachment

  112. Imperialism

  113. Incidence of Taxation

  114. Independents

  115. Individual Liberty

  116. Indulgence

  117. Industrial Revolution

  118. Initiative, Private

  119. Initiative, Public

  120. Inscription

  121. Interdict

  122. Interpellations

  123. Joint Stock Company

  124. Journey Man

  125. Judicial Service

  126. Jurisdiction

  127. Labour, Division Of

  128. Labour Legislation

  129. Laissez-Faire

  130. Land Tenure

  131. Legal Tender

  132. Legislative Council

  133. Letters Patent

  134. Liberty of The Press

  135. Limited Liability

  136. Limited Monarchy

  137. Magna Carta

  138. Mandatory State

  139. Manorial System

  140. Martial Law

  141. Military Occupation

  142. Minority Minute (To Record in A Minute Book)

  143. Mobocracy

  144. Negotiation

  145. Neolithic Age

  146. No-Confidence Motion

  147. Nomination

  148. Non-Aggression

  149. Non-Co-Operation

  150. Non-Intervention Policy

  151. Non-Official Element

  152. No Tax Campaign

  153. Opposition, The

  154. Orders in Council

  155. Ordinance

  156. Palaeolithic Age

  157. Passive Resistance

  158. Petition of Right

  159. Policy

  160. Poor Rate

  161. Preferential Tariff

  162. Protective Duties

  163. Protective Tariff

  164. Rate Payers

  165. Reforms Act

  166. Regulating Act

  167. Reign Of Terror

  168. Renaissance, The

  169. Representative Government

  170. Responsible Government

  171. Round Table Conference

  172. Senate

  173. Service, Secret

  174. Sinking Fund

  175. Squire

  176. Standard of Life

  177. Standing Army

  178. Standing Committee

  179. Standing Orders

  180. Stock and Land Lease System

  181. Subject, Reserved

  182. Subject, Transferred

  183. Subsidiary System

  184. Suffrage

  185. Tariffs

  186. Tax

  187. Temperance

  188. Tenant

  189. Tolls

  190. Trade Union

  191. Unitary Constitution

  192. Vested Interests

  193. Veto

  194. White-Paper

  195. Working Committee

  196. World Court

  197. Write Of Habeas Corpus

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