Adjectival Phrases
Grammar Index : 2
The adjectival phrases function as adjectives.
It does the work of an adjective.
It qualifies the noun or the pronoun.
Examples :
- The girl with blue eyes is my sister.
- He is a soldier of great abilities.
- A stitch in time saves nine.
- I saw a bird of a rare species.
- A girl of high level of intelligence is what is needed for this company.
- Do not forget to invite him who invited us all to his wedding.
- This is the school with all the infrastructures and all the modern facilities.
- An apple a day saves your life for a long time to come.
- The teacher with wide acceptance and admiration among the students is Mr. Ram.
- We have to meet Mr. Raja who has joined our company today morning.
(The boldened parts are the Adjectival Phrases) The other two kinds of Phrases are : - Noun Phrases
- Adverbial Phrases
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