English : Adams Ale
What is the meaning of Adams ale?
Most animals in this world drink Adams ale. Any idea what it is? It's nothing but water. Adam's ale is a term humorously used to refer to water. You could say, Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of Adam's ale! By the way, did you know that many of the hard drinks that some of us are addicted to actually mean water? The word whisky, for example, comes from a Gaelic word meaning water of life. The French word eau-de-vie meaning brandy also means water of life. Any idea what the Russian drink vodka means? It means little water. If your boss or your father ever asks you whether you drink, you can look him straight in the eye and say, I have a little water once in a while.
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COURTESY : The Hindu (The National News-Paper) - India
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