Accident, Achieve, Acquaintance, Action, Adam : Proverbs
Key-Words Based Proverbs
Accident :Accidents are outstanding effects.
Accidents will occur in the best regulated families.
Achieve :
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Acquaintance :
Short acquaintance brings repentance.
Have but a few friends, though many acquaintances.
If a man does not make new acquaintances through life, he will soon find himself alone.
Action :
Action speaks louder than words.
Better wear out than rust out. Learn to labor and to wait.
What's done can't be undone.
Do well and right and let the whole world sink.
Deliberation is the work of many men, action of one alone.
Nobody can become perfect by merely ceasing to act.
All actions are judged by the motives prompting them.
Every noble activity makes room for itself.
Successful action tends to become an end in itself.
Adam :
In Adam’s fall we sinned all.
Adam ate apples and our teeth still ache. Whilst Adam slept, eve from side rose; strange.
His first sleep would be his last repose.
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