Ability Quotes

Quotes and Quotations Index

Here are The Ability Quotes.

  1. Prisoner, God has given you good abilities, instead of which you go about the country stealing ducks.
    ((William Arabin : 1773-1841))

  2. If a man writes a better book, preaches a better sermon or makes a better mousetrap than his neighbour, tho' he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.
    ((Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-82))

  3. This very remarkable man

    Commends a most practical plan :

    You can do what you want

    If you don't think you can't,

    So don't think you can't think you can.
    ((Charles Inge : 1868-1957))

  4. I'm usually called a jack of all trades by people who are scarcely jacks of one.
    ((Jonathan Miller : 1934 : Daily Telegraph 24 December 1988))

  5. Non omnia possumus omnes.

    We can't all do everything.
    ((Virgil : 70 - 19 BC : Eclogues))

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