
English Grammar Index

Abbreviations :

They are short forms of long phrases or words. Instead of writing them fully, we use these abbreviations formed by normally the first letter of each word. Sometimes, the first and the last letter of words will make an abbreviation. Usually these letters are in capitals.

Here is the list of abbreviations beginning with W.

  1. WAP - Wireless Application Protocol

  2. WAVE - Wireless Access for Virtual Enterprises

  3. WAY - World Assembly of Youth

  4. WFP - World food Programme

  5. WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization

  6. WHO - World Health Organization

  7. WMO - World Meteorological Organisation

  8. WPI - Wholesale Price Index

  9. WR - Western Railway

  10. WTO - World Tourism Organisation

  11. WWF - World Wildlife Fund Christmas

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