English Grammar IndexAbbreviations :They are short forms of long phrases or words. Instead of writing them fully, we use these abbreviations formed by normally the first letter of each word. Sometimes, the first and the last letter of words will make an abbreviation. Usually these letters are in capitals.
Here is the list of abbreviations beginning with
- SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
- SAC - Science Advisory Council
- SC - Security Council
- SC - Scheduled Caste
- SCI - Shipping Corporation of India
- SDI - Strategic Defence Initiative
- SDO - Sub- Divisional Officer
- SDR - Special Drawing Rights
- SFF - Special Frontier Force
- SIT - Special Investigation Team
- SOS - Save Our Souls – distress signal
- SPG - Special Protection Group
- SSC - Staff Selection Commission
- START - Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
- STC - State Trading Corporation
- STD - Subscriber’s Trunk Dialling
- STPI - Software technology Parks of India
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