English Grammar IndexAbbreviations :They are short forms of long phrases or words. Instead of writing them fully, we use these abbreviations formed by normally the first letter of each word. Sometimes, the first and the last letter of words will make an abbreviation. Usually these letters are in capitals.
Here is the list of abbreviations beginning with
- ECE - Economic Commission for Europe
- ECG - Electro Cardio-Gram
- ECIL - Electronic Corporation of India Limited
- EC T - Electro – Convulsed Therapy
- ECU - European Currency Unit
- EEG - Electro- Encephalography
- EMF - Electric – Multiple Unit
- EMS - Electric Motor System
- EMU - Electric – Multiple Unit
- E & OE - Errors and Omissions Excepted
- ER - Eastern Railway
- ESA - European Space Agency
- ESI - Employee State Insurance
- EST - Eastern Standard Time
- EVM - Electronic Voting Machine
- EWS - Economically Weaker Section