A Word A Day : Taciturn
Word of 8th May 2007: A Word A Day-Taciturn
Taciturn( Adjective )He is taciturn to talk in front of a large audience. Synonyms: Mute Quiet Reserved Reticent Silent Tight – lipped Unforth coming Withdrawn Contextual Examples: She remains mute all the time in prayer meeting. Please can you keep the children quit while I am on the phone? She is reserved by nature. She prefers to say alone. He seemed strangely reticent about his past. There are several questions I wanted to ask but I kept silent. Antonyms: Chatty Communicative Forth coming Garrulous Loquacious Open Outgoing Sociable Talkative Verbose Voluble Wordy Contextual Examples: This small kid is very chatty. He always speaks something or the other. I don’t find Sandeep very communicative. He is reserved. He always becomes garrulous after a few glasses of wine. Indian women are loquacious by nature. He has an open heart, he doesn’t hide anything form his friends. Deepak has never really been the sociable type. What’s wrong with you? You are not talkative this evening. Go to The A Word A Day IndexSynonyms and Antonyms Vocabulary|English Teacher|Etymology|Longest Word |Letter Writing Proverbs|Misspelled Words|ContractionsFrom A Word A Day-Taciturn to HOME PAGE