A Word A Day : Capricious
Word of 26th June 2007: A Word A Day-Capricious
Capricious( Adjective )Capricious (kuh PRISH us, kuh PREE shus): unpredictable; likely to change at any moment • Bill was very capricious. One minute he said his favorite car was a Chevy Caprice. The next minute he said it was a Cameo. • The weather is often said to be capricious. One minute it's snowing, the next minute it's 120 degree in the shade. • A caprice is a whim. • Penny attempted a quadruped somersault off the ten-meter diving board as a caprice. It was a painful caprice. We have tried our best to make this site as informative as possible. It will certainly help in broadening the horizons of knowledge of the visitors. We also apologize for the mistakes which are not deliberately committed. Both suggestions and criticisms to enhance the quality of this site are sincerely welcomed. Use our Contact Us form to submit both your suggestions and criticisms. Go to The A Word A Day IndexSynonyms and Antonyms Vocabulary|English Teacher|Etymology|Longest Word |Letter Writing Proverbs|Misspelled Words|ContractionsFrom A Word A Day-Capricious to HOME PAGE
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