5th January The events happened on 5th January are :
1933 : Golden Gate Bridge construction begun : In San Francisco on this day in 1933, construction began on the Golden Gate Bridge, a suspension bridge that once boasted the longest main span in the world and that has been celebrated for the magnificence of its setting.
1998 : Daniel arap Moi was sworn in as president of Kenya for his fifth consecutive term.
1931 : American dancer and choreographer Alvin Ailey, Jr., was born in Rogers, Texas.
1925 : Nellie Tayloe Ross assumed office in Wyoming, becoming the first female governor in the United States.
1919 : Anton Drexler founded the German Workers' Party, the forerunner of the Nazi Party, in Munich, Germany.
1914 : Following the great success of the Model T, American automobile maker Henry Ford raised his workers' pay from $2.40 to $5.00 a day and reduced the hours of the workday.
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