3rd Grade Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

3rd Grade Vocabulary for 13th August :

  1. Persecution (n) : harassment, repeated acts of cruelty or annoyance

  2. Perseverance (n) : constant effort, stead fastness

  3. Persevere (v) : continue, doing in spite of the obstacles

  4. Persevering (adj.) : doing one’s task in spite of difficulties

  5. Persist (v) : remain steadily, persevere, endure

  6. Persistence (n) : obstinacy, steadily continuing a course of action

  7. Persistent (adj.) : steadfast, persevering

  8. Person (n) : human being, living body of a human being, each of three classes of personal pronouns

  9. Personage (n) : one in a high position or rank

  10. Personal (adj.) : belonging to a person, private, Individual

  11. Personate (v) : represent, feign

  12. Personify (n) : personification

  13. Personify (v) : to conceive as a person

  14. Personnel (n) : staff or persons employed in a concern or institution

  15. Perspective (n) : view, prospect

  16. Perspicacious (adj.) : of clear or sharp understanding, quick sighted

  17. Perspicuous (adj.) : clear, plain, easily understood

  18. Perspiration (n) : sweat, sweating

  19. Perspire (v) : to sweat

  20. Persuade (v) : induce, convince, cause by arguments to do a thing

  21. Persuasion (n) : inducement, conviction, belief, religion of sect

  22. Persuasive (adj.) : having the power to win over by argument etc.

  23. Pert (adj.) : too forward in speech or manner, smart

  24. Pertain (v) : belong to, concern, be the duty (of)

  25. Pertinacious (adj.) : stubborn, persistent

  26. Pertinacity (n) : persistence, obstinacy

  27. Pertinent (adj.) : suitable, relevant, to the point

  28. Perturb (v) : trouble, agitate, confuse

  29. Peruke (n) : a wig

  30. Peruse (n) : perusal

  31. Peruse (v) : read through (esp. with attention)

  32. Pervade (v) : permeate, over spread, penetrate

  33. Perverse (adj.) : wilfully continuing in wrong doing

  34. Pervert (v) : divert in a wrong way, interpret wrongly

  35. Perverted (adj.) : misled

  36. Pervious (adj.) : having a way through, passable, penetrable

  37. Pessimism (n) : hopelessness, the belief that everything is evil

3rd Grade Vocabulary for 13th August :

English Vocabulary Index

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