27th June

The events happened on 27th June are :

1862 : Union driven back at first Battle of Cold Harbor : The first Battle of Cold Harbor, also known as the Battle of Gaines's Mill, was part of the Seven Days' Battles (June 25–July 1), which ended the Peninsular Campaign (April 4–July 1), the large-scale Union effort to take Richmond, Virginia, during the second year of the American Civil War. After fighting at Mechanicsville and Beaver Dam Creek, General George B. McClellan ordered Union troops to high ground between Gaines's Mill and Cold Harbor. When Confederate General Robert E. Lee attacked on this day, the Union troops were driven back in disorder and withdrew to the south side of the Chickahominy River.

1977 : Djibouti gained its independence from France.

1917 : Greece declared war on the Central Powers.

1846 : Charles Stewart Parnell, Irish nationalist and leader in the struggle for Irish Home Rule, was born in Avondale, County Wicklow.

1844 : Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, was murdered by an armed mob in Carthage, Illinois.

1787 : British historian Edward Gibbon completed The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

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