The events happened on 21st April are :
2002 : French elections held : French President Jacques Chirac faced a reelection challenge on this day in 2002 from extremist Jean-Marie Le Pen in the first round of presidential voting but two weeks later handily defeated him to win a second term.
1918 : Manfred, Freiherr (baron) von Richthofen, Germany's top flying ace in World War I, was shot down and killed during a battle near Amiens, France.
1836 : General Sam Houston led 800 Texans to victory over a Mexican army of 1,500 under General Antonio López de Santa Anna in the Battle of San Jacinto, ensuring the Texans' independence from Mexico.
1830 : James Starley, an inventor and the father of the bicycle industry, was born in Albourne, Sussex, England.
1800 : French forces under General Jean-Baptiste Kléber recaptured Cairo and initiated the brief French occupation of Egypt.
1782 : Friedrich Froebel, German educational reformer and the founder of kindergarten, was born in Oberweissbach, Thuringia.
1526 : Bābur, the ruler of Kabul, led Mughal forces in victory against Sultan Ibrāhīm Lodī, establishing the Mughal dynasty in India.
20th April | 22nd April
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