The events happened on 1st June are :
1980 : Debut of CNN : Ted Turner's Cable News Network, headquartered in Atlanta, began 24-hour live news broadcasts this day in 1980, the network gaining worldwide attention in 1991 for its around-the-clock coverage of the First Persian Gulf War.
1968 : Blind and deaf American author Helen Keller died in Westport, Connecticut.
1958 : Following the outbreak of an insurrection in Algiers, Charles de Gaulle came before the French National Assembly as prime minister designate.
1945 : In a speech, Indonesian nationalist leader Sukarno articulated the Pancasila—the Five Principles—that became the founding philosophy of the independent Indonesian state.
1926 : American motion-picture star Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles.
1907 : English aviation engineer and pilot Frank Whittle, who invented the jet engine, was born.
1794 : The first great naval engagement of the French revolutionary wars, the Battle of the First of June, was fought between England and France in the Atlantic Ocean.
31st May | 2nd June
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