The events happened on 18th January are :
1871 : German Empire established : The German Empire, forged as a result of diplomacy rather than an outpouring of popular nationalist feeling, was founded this day in 1871 in the aftermath of three successful wars by the North German state of Prussia.
1943 : To save on the costs of labour and equipment, the United States banned the sale of presliced bread during World War II.
1911 : The first aircraft landing on a ship's flight deck was performed by American pilot Eugene Ely on the battleship Pennsylvania in San Francisco Bay.
1904 : British American film actor Cary Grant was born in Bristol in Gloucestershire, England.
1782 : American orator and politician Daniel Webster was born in New Hampshire.
1779 : English physician, philologist, and thesaurus compiler Peter Roget was born in London.
1733 : A polar bear was first exhibited in Boston.
17th January | 19th January
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