The events happened on 13th July are :
1793 : French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat assassinated : On this day, Jean-Paul Marat, a leader of the radical Montagnard faction during the French Revolution, was stabbed to death in his bath by Charlotte Corday, a young Girondin supporter from Normandy. The author of Plan de législation criminelle (“Plan for Criminal Legislation”), which was considered subversive and was suppressed by French authorities, Marat assimilated the ideas of such critics of the ancien régime as Montesquieu and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and corresponded with the American Revolutionary leader Benjamin Franklin. In 1789, at the start of the French Revolution, Marat went from being a supporter of the monarchy to publishing antiroyalist pamphlets.
1878 : The Treaty of Berlin was signed, replacing the Treaty of San Stefano that ended the Russo-Turkish War.
1861 : General George B. McClellan and Union troops defeated Confederate forces in northwestern Virginia. Once the area was under the Union's control, pro-Union settlers were able to form it into the separate state of West Virginia.
1832 : Henry Rowe Schoolcraft identified the source of the Mississippi River as Lake Itasca, in Minnesota.
1787 : The U.S. Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which laid the basis for the government of the Northwest Territory and for the admission of its constituent parts as states of the Union.
1713 : Spain and Britain signed one of the treaties of Utrecht, this one giving Gibraltar and Minorca to Britain.
12th July | 14th July
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