12th July

The events happened on 12th July are :

1984 : Geraldine Ferraro designated running mate of Walter Mondale : Democratic presidential candidate Walter F. Mondale put forward Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate on this day, making her the first woman ever nominated for vice president by a major political party in the United States. The onetime U.S. district attorney for Queens county in New York won a reputation as an effective and hardworking politician while representing that state's Ninth Congressional District in the House of Representatives. Her skillful negotiating as the chair of the 1984 Democratic platform committee helped convince Mondale to pick her for the ticket.

1975 : The island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe was granted independence from Portugal.

1920 : The independent republic of Lithuania, having successfully expelled invading Soviet troops, signed a peace treaty with Russia.

1862 : The Congressional Medal of Honor, awarded for battlefield bravery, was created for the U.S. Army.

1543 : King Henry VIII of England wed his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr.

1536 : Renaissance scholar and humanist Desiderius Erasmus died in Basel, Switzerland.

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