12th Grade Mathematical Models
with Applications Online Tutoring

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12th Grade Math :
Mathematical Models with Applications

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Our 12th Mathematical Models with Applications Grade Online Tutoring program is designed to help you get the desired grade by mastering the subject.

Get help in understanding all subjects.

This is a representative list of topics covered in our Grade 12 Math - Mathematical Models with Applications program. However all our programs will be customized for the individual student.

  1. Theoretical/empirical probability

  2. Theoretical probability

  3. Empirical probability

  4. Probability models

  5. Studying patterns and analyzing data

  6. Graphical techniques to study patterns and
    analyze data- central tendency

  7. Graphical techniques to study patterns and
    analyze data- variability

  8. Graphical techniques to study patterns and
    analyze data- correlation

  9. Numerical techniques to study patterns and
    analyze data- central tendency

  10. Numerical techniques to study patterns and
    analyze data- variability

  11. Numerical techniques to study patterns and
    analyze data- correlation

  12. Rates, linear functions, direct/inverse variation

  13. Rates

  14. Linear functions

  15. Direct variation

  16. Inverse variation

  17. Problems related to personal income, credit, financial planning

  18. Problems related to personal income

  19. Problems related to credit

  20. Problems related to financial planning

  21. Problems related to rates

  22. Problems related to linear functions

  23. Problems related to direct variation

  24. Problems related to indirect variation

  25. Problems related to personal taxes

  26. Problems related to banking

  27. Problems related to amortization models

  28. Problems related to simple interest

  29. Problems related to compound interest

  30. Problems related to insurance

  31. Problems related to retirement plans

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12th Grade Mathematical Models with Applications Online Tutoring

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